Welcome to Swifts class  


What we do in the Swifts.........

In the Swifts, the children are involved in a range of different learning experiences. Often the class topic is linked with our English focus. During many of the lessons, the children are practicing reading and writing. Please work with your children at home to practice their reading and writing.



In English we will read the story of â€˜The Highway Rat’, which is about a rat stealing food from all of the travellers. This story will help us when we learn about a famous highwayman from Bedford in history. We are going to focus on understanding the events that happen in the story and why they happen. We will use ideas from the stories to help us write a series of different sentences. We will be working on using a range of punctuation, lots of adjectives to add description and conjunctions to further extend our sentences.



In Maths we will be looking at statistics. We will learn about the different ways that data can be collected and use tally charts, pictograms and bar charts to represent this data. We will also explore how to interpret and understand the data represented.



Local Area

This term, we will be learning about the local area around our school. We will find out why this area is called the Black Tom Area. We will explore Black Tom himself and what tricks he got up to whilst he ruled the roads around our school. We will look at a map of the Black Tom area and locate some inportant amenities that are featured there. 

Children must come into school wearing their PE kit on the days that they have PE. Children in Swifts Class will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday.


Thank you for your on-going support.

 If you have any questions or queries, please email the school office schooloffice@livingstone.bedssch.co.uk