Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Year 3

Miss Baldwin, Mrs Silver and Mrs Emilian would like to welcome you back to the

Spring Term in Woodpeckers Class. 

We have an exciting and interesting term planned, exploring tropical rainforests around the world. 



Children should have their coat, water bottle, reading record and reading book in school each day.



Children follow the Year 3 spelling programme.  New spellings are introduced on a Monday and are sent home to learn. The children are asked to practise them each night using the look-say-cover-write-check method.

Red spelling folders are returned to school on a Friday and we see how many we have learnt to spell. Children are then encouraged to use these new spellings in their independent writing.



This term we will be focusing on texts that are linked to our main topic of the tropical rainforests.

Our first text is 'Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry. This is a fantastic story about a man who works in the rainforest cutting down trees.  He takes a well-deserved rest and while he does the animals from the rainforest come and speak to him. 

We then explore the rainforest through poetry and write our own verses imagining what we can see, hear, and feel while walking through the rainforest.

We finish the term with some factual writing and produce a fantastic booklet that gives information on each of the layers of a rainforest.



Our topic this term is Tropical Rainforests.

We will explore the countries and continents where we find tropical rainforests, the climate in these areas, the animals and people that live there, and the impact of deforestation.