Welcome to Woodpecker Class

Welcome to Year 3


Miss Baldwin and Miss Bunker would like to welcome you to the Summer Term in Woodpeckers class. 

We have an exciting term exploring Ancient Egypt with lots of interesting activities planned.



Each Monday morning we will begin to learn our spellings.

The words will be sent home in order to practice.

On Friday we will have a quick test to see how many words we can remember how to spell. 



This term we will be focusing on texts that are linked to our main topic of Ancient Egypt.

Our first text is 'The Egyptian Cinderella' by Shirley Climo. This is a take on the traditional tale of Cinderella with an Egyptian twist. 

We then go on an adventure with 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx' by Joe Todd Stanton.  Marcy is a girl on a mission to save her adventurer father.



Our topic this term is Ancient Egypt.

We will explore the Nile River, the Pyramids, myths and Gods, and the famous Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and Queens.



In our art lessons we will be looking at Ancient Egyptian art and styles to produce our own scrolls.  We will then take these ideas and use in a contemporary manner to produce a 'zine. 



This term we will be finishing working with fractions before exploring mass & capacity, time and statistics.  

It is also important for the children to continue to use TT Rock Stars to help us learn our times tables and Doodle maths for individual courses.  We will provide some opportunities to do this in the class but those that also use it at home have shown to progress well thanks to this.



In our Science lessons we will be learning about forces and magnets.  We will explore the properties of magnets and the objects that are magnetic and non-magnetic.    After this we will light and the sources of light, how to stay safe in the sun, reflections, and shadows.



In our technology lessons we will plan, design and make our own shaduf. 



P.E. for Wagtails is on Tuesday and Friday.

It is important you wear your P.E. kit to school on P.E. days.



Please read as often as you can and remember to get your reading diary signed. 

To help with the 'Times table Challenge', click on the link below to take your child to the Times Tables Rock Stars log in or the Top Marks website.  Children can also access the fantastic Doodle Maths website at home and this is personalised towards their needs with tuition as well as questions.


Here your child can practise their times tables.
Remember there are bronze, silver and gold badges to be won.


English and Maths homework will be sent on alternate weeks. Homework will relate to what the children have been learning in their lessons. Homework will be sent out on a Friday and should be returned on the following Friday.

Spelling homework will be sent weekly (on a Monday) and children should learn their spellings in preparation for a test each Friday. As the term progresses, children will be asked to include their spellings in sentences to show they understand the meaning of them.