Welcome to Swallows

Welcome to Swallows class page. 



Key days to remember:

  • PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Spellings will be given out on Mondays and spelling tests will take place on Fridays.
  • Homework will be issued on Fridays and children will need to return their completed homework by the following Friday.

Home Learning


Children will be given spellings on a Monday. Please spend some time learning these with your child to support their learning in school.



Please continue to read with your child as much as possible (we recommend just a few minutes every day). If you read at home - remember to sign/tick the reading diary to say you have done so (with a comment if possible).

They will recieve stamps for every time they read which will add up to a prize from Mrs Lewis if they read consistently

There are more books on Oxford Owl which can be read online.




Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery - Numbots

Your child will have their Numbots login in front of their reading record. This online game supports children's mathematical skills and we recommend playing at home if possible. The children also have the opportunity to play in school. 


Play Numbots 


Purple Mash

Purple Mash (2simple) | Herts for Learning

We will set activities on Purple Mash as further optional homework activities which will be linked to our learning in school. Your child's login can be found in the front of their reading record.


Purple Mash

Online games to support learning

Hit the button - practice number bonds to 5, 10, 20, and 100.


Year 2 SPaG ideas to use at home


Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Year 2








The children are taught discrete phonics lessons everyday following the Twinkl Phonics program which is a DfE approved programme.  We teach the children the sounds in order for them to read and write with increasing proficiency. At the end of Year 1 the children completed a Phonics Screening Check which is a legal requirement for each child. They will apply their phonics knowledge to read 40 words, 20 of which are real and 20 which are not (we call these alien words).


In Year 2, we will continue to build on children's phonics knowledge from reception and year 1. Children will have lessons tailored to meet their individual needs and next steps.




There is more information about the Phonics Screening Check here: 





Here is an overview of our phonics programme. We will be recapping level 3 and teaching levels 4-6 in year 2, depending on the children's level.



Common Exception Words


We will be teaching the children how to spell these common exception words by the end of year 2.

