Welcome to Year 4 Owls Class Autumn Term 2023  

Mrs Savage, Mrs Richardson and Miss Kaimina welcome you!

The Autumn Term is jam packed full of exciting learning opportunities. 

We are reading... - 'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. This text is a heartwarming story and will lead year 4 on a journey following an ecavuee, Lenny, in his new home. Using the voabulary and sentence ideas taught in class, Year 4 will independently write an informal letter.
We are reading...

'The Lion and the Unicorn' by Shirley Hughes. This text is a heartwarming story and will lead year 4 on a journey following an ecavuee, Lenny, in his new home. Using the voabulary and sentence ideas taught in class, Year 4 will independently write an informal letter.

This term, - Year 4 will be learning about the value of numbers upto 10,000. They will learn how to partition the numbers, add or subtract various amounts (1, 10, 100, 1000), use number lines, estimate the value of numbers on blank number lines and how to recognise roman numerals.
This term,

Year 4 will be learning about the value of numbers upto 10,000. They will learn how to partition the numbers, add or subtract various amounts (1, 10, 100, 1000), use number lines, estimate the value of numbers on blank number lines and how to recognise roman numerals.

World War II - Year 4 will be learning about World War II. They will be learning about where the war happened, who were part of the allied and the axis forces, how people kept themselves safe duing the Blitz and what happened to children living in the cities.
World War II

Year 4 will be learning about World War II. They will be learning about where the war happened, who were part of the allied and the axis forces, how people kept themselves safe duing the Blitz and what happened to children living in the cities.

Animals including Humans - This term, year 4 will be learning about their digestive system - how it works and what the parts are called. Later on in the term, they will be learning vocabulary linked to their teeth.
Animals including Humans

This term, year 4 will be learning about their digestive system - how it works and what the parts are called. Later on in the term, they will be learning vocabulary linked to their teeth.

Spanish - Year 4 will be learning how to say friendly greetings and learning the vocabulary for school stationery.

Year 4 will be learning how to say friendly greetings and learning the vocabulary for school stationery.

Powerful Prints - Year 4 will be experimenting with different types of mediums -charcoal, crayon, paint, pre-printed pictures and pencils. They will work in pairs, groups and by themselves to create their artwork.
Powerful Prints

Year 4 will be experimenting with different types of mediums -charcoal, crayon, paint, pre-printed pictures and pencils. They will work in pairs, groups and by themselves to create their artwork.

Remember to wear the correct uniform. - P.E. is on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Remember to wear the correct uniform.

P.E. is on Wednesdays and Thursdays.



Homework in Year 4

Homework is set on a Thursday and is handed in the following Thursday.

Maths - linked to learning happening in the class.

Times Tables Practice - 20 minutes ocrif TTRS every week

Spellings - please practise at home.  Spelling tests are every Thursday. 

See below for this term's spellings:


Useful websites and Curriculum Overview for Year 4:

Useful websites:

Purple Mash https://www.purplemash.com/sch/livingstone

Times Tables Rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student

Accelerated Reader


Twinkl https://www.twinkl.co.uk/home-learning-hub 

Gooseberry Planet https://system.gooseberryplanet.com/#/

Extension activities https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/ 
